Tattoo collector awards

We have always encouraged clients to get tattooed by their favorite Iron Brush artists – we have such a wide group of unique Artists and styles, designs, symbolism, and original sketchbook drawings that we love to see added to your curated collections. We welcome you all to our large family of artists, collectors and fellow storytellers.

How many Iron Brush artists have you been tattooed by?

We want to honor you with an award and spot on the wall in Iron Brush history

We have been privileged to be a part of so many incredible stories, to see so many people collect tattoos from our different Artists

We have an award for you if you have been tattooed by 6, 9, or 12 different Iron Brush Artists:

Limited edition T-shirts and stickers for each award along with a place on the Wall of Fame.

*includes past artists while they were working at Iron Brush. Grow your collection and get tattooed by more Artists at Iron Brush and grab your spot on the Wall of Fame

*most artists are available for walk-ins days as well! How do I get my award? Stop down after : Dec 1, 2023, We will take care of you